Tue. Oct 15th, 2024
Weight loss

To function on a daily basis, our body consumes calories: the basic metabolism (that is to say: the minimum energy necessary for vital functions – breathing, making the heart beat, etc.) depends on several factors including age, gender, height or weight.

To find this energy, our body first consumes the sugars supplied to it through food: carbohydrates in fact constitute the body’s main “fuel”.

In case of prolonged effort (physical or intellectual), our body will then draw on its fat reserves; this fat mass (mainly stored in the thighs, buttocks and hips in women) will be transformed into energy, in particular to nourish the muscle mass. The body is then said to “burn fat”.

Eat (a little) more protein-rich foods

To lose weight in a healthy way and without putting your health at risk, there is no secret: you must start by adopting a balanced diet. In short: we eat everything, but without excess.

When the goal is to “force” the body to tap into its fat stores, the best thing is to consume more protein For what ? Because proteins are the “building blocks” that build muscle mass. However, the more muscles we have, the more energy these muscles will burn fat consume, and therefore the more the body will tend to use stored fat. CQFD!

Without going so far as to adopt a high-protein diet (it’s bad for your health, and particularly for the kidneys), we therefore favor proteins at the different meals of the day: an omelette in the morning for breakfast, a white cheese without sugar for dessert at lunch, a hard-boiled egg for a snack, a piece of meat (red or white) for dinner…

Practice an endurance sport to burn fat

Swimming, cycling, brisk walking, the elliptical bike… are endurance sports. These are excellent for burning fat since, after about 10 minutes of physical activity, the body begins to consume the fat stored in adipocytes.

Attention ! If these endurance sports are not as intense as “cardio” sports (like zumba or HIIT , for example), it is still necessary to make an effort to observe an impact on the figure. So, when we practice, the heart rate must be increased: in short, we can talk, but we sweat a little.

Experiment with physical activity in interval mode to lose weight

To understand, a concrete example with running: start by running at an average pace for 5 minutes. Then, for 3 minutes, accelerate by running at least twice as fast. Then return to your average pace for 2 minutes. Repeat 3 “fast” minutes then 2 “medium” minutes.

Avoid fat-burning pseudo-foods

We sometimes hear about fat-burning foods be careful! Because no food has the power to cause a release of fat accumulated in adipocytes. An example with pineapple , which is often cited as “the” fat burner par excellence: the slimming molecules it contains are found in its stem… there is therefore no need to consume it excessively, at the risk indigestion!

Limit snacking as much as possible

Snacking is the number 1 enemy of our silhouette: to destock the fat accumulated in the cells and lose weight in a healthy way, it is therefore essential to fight this scourge. To do this, we check that we eat enough during meals (with a plate made up of equal parts of proteins, carbohydrates and lipids) and, if necessary, we set up snacks at 11 a.m. and/or 4 p.m. hours.

These snacks (which can be sweet or savory, but necessarily balanced: it could be a hard-boiled egg, a slice of ham, a slice of guacamole , etc.) must however be taken with meals, and do not add to it, so as not to increase the calorie bill for the day.

By admin

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